Centre Court Shopping Centre go the extra mile

Let's shine a light on Merton business Centre Court Shopping Centre, who were able to adapt and respond to the need of the local community during the pandemic.

Not only did they lift up the community by sharing positive vibes on social media with their #pocketsofpositivity campaign, but they went above and beyond to supply food to those in need.

They delivered medication and prescriptions (with the help of a local chemist) and they also donated £15 Tesco vouchers to an incredible 250 students at Ricards Lodge High School.

Although most of the shops in Centre Court were forced to close, they gave back to their community by diversifying their offer and introducing services relevant to the pandemic.

Did your business go above and beyond over the last 18 months? If so, you could be a winner of The Extra Mile Award. This award will celebrate businesses that have adapted and responded to the needs of their local community during the pandemic. Tell us how you went the ‘extra mile’ and ‘gave something back’ outside your core business activity.

Have you created or participated in new initiatives during the pandemic? How did you establish or build on a strong commitment to the local community?  Tell us your story and apply today!